Results (real data) - LCDM
User documentation
Results for flat LCDM cosmology - contour plots can be found below¶
Constraints without the CMB, BAO, SNIa¶
This is useful to understand the constraining power of galaxy cluster cosmology. It also serves as a cross check of the compatibility of Yx and velocity dispersion mass calibration.
SPTcl + dispersion + H0¶
This test should be the cleanest "clusters only" experiment, as the prior on the Hubble constant does not affect any other cosmological parameter. Well, this is not exactly true as there is the BBN prior on Omega_b h^2...
Contour plots: SPTcl_disp_H0.pdf
SPTcl + Yx + H0¶
This test should be the cleanest "clusters only" experiment, as the prior on the Hubble constant does not affect any other cosmological parameter. Well, this is not exactly true as there is the BBN prior on Omega_b h^2...
Contour plots: SPTcl_Yx_H0.pdf
SPTcl + dispersion + Yx + H0¶
Contour plots: SPTcl_masscalib_H0.pdf
Constraints including CMB + BAO + SNIa¶
Here I combine different cosmological probes in order to tighten the constraints while understanding the role of clusters.
Flat LCDM: WMAP7 + BAO + SNIa + H0¶
Contour plots: WMAP_BAO_SNIa_H0.pdf
Flat LCDM: SPTcl + Yx + dispersion + WMAP7 + BAO + SNIa + H0¶
Contour plots: SPTcl_masscalib_WMAP7_BAO_SNIa_H0.pdf