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Code verification using mock data

I validated the code in the following way.

  • Mock data: I created a mock catalog accounting for the mass function (and everything else) for a fixed redshift z=0.6
  • I calculate P(M|xi, z=0.6) for 3 different xi: 5.05, 6.05, and 7.05
  • The mock catalog is split into three "xi-slices": 5.0-5.01, 6.0-6.01, 7.0-7.01
  • Now I can compare the distribution in mock data with the prediction of my code

Note: I assume P(M|xi) does not change much within delta_xi = 0.01.


  • Make a differential plot
  • It should not make any difference given the close-to-symmetric shape of the distribution, but still: Do we want the result as "mean +/- 34% confidence region"? In this case the best-fit mass will be slightly larger than the most likely mass.
  • What cosmology/scaling relation parameters do we (Christina) want to use?
  • I hope to provide some more information about what the code does (and how it does it:)


mock_vs_theory.png (25.6 KB) Sebastian Bocquet, 07/16/2013 04:11 PM

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