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Jörg Dietrich, 10/25/2012 12:00 PM

1 1 Jiayi Liu
h1. Cosmology with the largest galaxy cluster surveys: Going beyond Fisher matrix forecasts
2 1 Jiayi Liu
3 1 Jiayi Liu
We make the first detailed MCMC likelihood study of cosmological constraints that are expected from some of the largest, ongoing and proposed, cluster surveys in different wave-bands and compare the estimates to the prevalent Fisher matrix forecasts. 
4 1 Jiayi Liu
5 2 Shantanu Desai
6 3 Shantanu Desai
h2. Star-Galaxy Classification in Multi-Band Optical Imaging.
7 4 Shantanu Desai
8 4 Shantanu Desai
Ground-based optical surveys such as PanSTARRS, DES, and LSST, will produce large catalogs to limiting magnitudes of r > 24. Star-galaxy separation poses a major challenge to such surveys because galaxies---even very compact galaxies---outnumber halo stars at these depths
9 2 Shantanu Desai
10 5 Shantanu Desai
11 7 Shantanu Desai
h2. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cross-Correlation of CMB Lensing and Quasars
12 6 Shantanu Desai
13 5 Shantanu Desai
We measure the cross-correlation of Atacama Cosmology Telescope CMB lensing convergence maps with quasar maps made from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR8 SDSS-XDQSO photometric catalog. 
14 6 Shantanu Desai
15 8 Jörg Dietrich
16 8 Jörg Dietrich
h2. CALCLENS: Weak Lensing Simulations for Large-area Sky Surveys and Second-order Effects in Cosmic Shear Power Spectra
17 8 Jörg Dietrich
18 8 Jörg Dietrich
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