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Jörg Dietrich, 12/04/2013 09:16 AM

Journal Club

Time: Weekly - Friday, 14:00 - 15:30
Place: Seminar room - I13 - upstairs


Everybody reads the paper before the journal club! The lead person summarizes the paper, its method's and results, and leads the discussion. Good questions to ask yourself before the journal club:

  1. Why did you pick this paper?
  2. What did you like about the paper?
  3. What did you not like about this paper?

If it is your turn but you cannot make it, it is your responsibility to find a person to swap slots with!


Date Lead Person Paper
31.01.2014 Jiayi
24.01.2014 Christina
17.01.2014 Dominik
20.12.2013 Shantanu
13.12.2013 Joerg
6.12.2013 Alex First Measurement of the Cross-Correlation of CMB Lensing and Galaxy Lensing
29.11.2013 Sebastian SPT-SZ velocity mass calibration draft

Paper pool (outdated)

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Click here to add interesting papers that are too off-topic or controversial for the journal club.

Video talks and lectures

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Previous papers

(outdated, look at the table)

Click here to see the papers we have already discussed.

arrow-right.png (1.2 KB) Robert Suhada, 12/04/2012 11:27 AM

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