


Preliminary results » History » Version 24

Shantanu Desai, 06/19/2013 01:05 PM

1 1 Hope Head
h1. Preliminary results
2 24 Shantanu Desai
3 20 Hope Head
|_.ID   |_.RA   |_.DEC  |_.Cataloged    |_.DB   |_.SLR  |_.Calc_z       |_.Known_z      |_.M_200        |_.Pos_Err      |_.BCG_RA       |_.BCG_DEC      |_.R500 |_.Comments     |_.z_offset    |_.photo_z_unc  |_.Color_Combo|
4 19 Hope Head
|1105|  197.86033|      -1.336351|      x|      x|      x|      0.25|   0.183|  |       1.313676|       197.87286|      -1.3411954|     5.153851|       |       -0.056635|      |       g-r vs r|
5 19 Hope Head
|1130|  201.75309|      2.2038851|      x|      x|      x|      0.325|  0.259|  |       2.247065|       201.7542|       2.2053551|      7.002355|       |       -0.05242256|    |       g-i vs i|
6 22 Hope Head
|1134|  206.88971|      -11.761734|     x|      x|      x|       0.5|   0.451|  |       1.161189|       206.88264|      -11.753089|     1.274458|       |       -0.033769|      |       r-z vs z|
7 1 Hope Head
|1163|  223.10251|      -24.498163|     x|      x|      x|       |      NULL|   |       4.306943|       223.09811|      -24.483388|     15.570536|      |       |       |       |
8 19 Hope Head
|118|   253.6838|       22.574979|      x|      x|      x|       0.20|  0.181|  |       0.8587500|      253.73425|      22.639396|      10.410549|      Cluster hard to see|    -0.01608|       |       g-r vs r|
9 19 Hope Head
|1182|  210.26121|      2.8655199|      x|      x|      x|       0.375| 0.252|  |       1.397220|       210.25864|      2.8786808|      5.964309|       |       -0.098242|      |       g-i vs i|
10 22 Hope Head
|13|    224.21431|      6.7498345|      x|      x|      x|       0.375| 0.429|  |       0.8587500|      224.23633|      6.7806863|      2.893640|       Few pts in slr plot|    0.0377886|      |       r-i vs i|
11 19 Hope Head
|135|   229.58015|      29.456749|      x|      x|      x|       0.6|   0.611|  |       2.748250|       229.58557|      29.461227|      3.771377|       |       0.00682|        |       r-i vs i|
12 19 Hope Head
|153|   260.05233|      26.623144|      x|      x|      x|       0.25|  0.164|  |       1.739245|       260.0419|       26.625649|      9.072740|       |       -0.073883|      |       g-i vs i|
13 19 Hope Head
|166|   227.55235|      33.489104|      x|      x|      x|       0.15|  0.113|  |       2.042575|       227.5488|       33.486523|      9.644609|       |       -0.033243|      |       g-r vs r|
14 23 Hope Head
|169|   348.24153|      -16.007543|     x|      x|      Errors|       |      0.262|  |       1.684452|       348.21769|      -16.011079|     3.468134|       No pts in slr plot!!!|  |       |       |
15 19 Hope Head
|181|   340.82131|      -9.5805651|     x|      x|      x|       0.625| 0.447|  |       1.455747|       340.83627|      -9.5885425|     4.839821|       |       -0.123013|      |       r-i vs i|
16 22 Hope Head
|186|   237.16002|      36.091411|      x|      x|      x|       0.3|   0.248|  |       8.508887|       237.14048|      36.093241|      0.117700|       |       -0.041667|      |       g-r vs r|
17 19 Hope Head
|195|   260.19189|      35.343687|      x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.392|  |       1.328919|       260.20822|      35.346901|      5.119416|       |       -0.0237069|     |       r-i vs i|
18 19 Hope Head
|205|   316.20587|      14.037875|      x|      x|      x|       0.225| 0.165|  |       5.382737|       316.22138|      14.025337|      5.406686|       |       -0.051502|      |       g-i vs i|
19 19 Hope Head
|228|   200.70023|      31.65184|       x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.308|  |       2.266142|       200.70339|      31.654932|      4.372688|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.08944954|    |       r-z vs z|
20 19 Hope Head
|248|   328.43321|      17.693035|      x|      x|      x|       0.275| 0.232|  |       1.062302|       328.40337|      17.695616|      7.699348|       |       -0.0349026|     |       g-r vs r|
21 22 Hope Head
|304|   346.76902|      16.532201|      x|      x|      x|       0.275| 0.250|  |       8.377786|       346.78124|      16.546217|      0.117700|       |       -0.02|  |       g-r vs r|
22 19 Hope Head
|330|   278.13912|      64.827321|      x|      x|      x|       0.175| 0.162|  |       3.916042|       278.13594|      64.833305|      15.377122|      |       -0.011187|      |       g-r vs r|
23 19 Hope Head
|337|   223.23482|      58.059576|      x|      x|      x|       0.5|   0.317|  |       2.674503|       223.23968|      58.048725|      3.403264|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.13895|       |       r-i vs i|
24 22 Hope Head
|401|   355.72312|      41.920978|      x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.309|  |       1.303636|       355.74288|      41.923484|      1.530100|       |       -0.08861727|    |       r-z vs z|
25 19 Hope Head
|409|   198.2794|       46.302631|      x|      x|      x|       0.20|  0.183|  |       5.159371|       198.24178|      46.258458|      8.671591|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.0143702|     |       g-r vs r|
26 19 Hope Head
|416|   4.9004144|      25.296498|      x|      x|      x|       0.3|   0.135|  |       7.979808|       4.9223264|      25.302101|      4.663064|       |       -0.1453744|     |       g-r vs r|
27 19 Hope Head
|422|   196.72859|      46.525749|      x|      x|      x|       0.225| 0.225|  |       1.419355|       196.69044|      46.558562|      4.789807|       Few pts in slr plot|    0.000|  |       g-r vs r|
28 19 Hope Head
|442|   194.86687|      60.075803|      x|      x|      x|       0.45|  0.343|  |       1.795252|       194.88784|      60.070071|      3.823078|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.07967238|    |       r-i vs i|
29 17 Hope Head
|503|   95.557752|      74.694095|      x|      x|      x|       |      0.267|  |       1.645770|       95.453393|      74.701518|      3.175662|       |       |       |       |
30 22 Hope Head
|545|   33.080607|      7.7805326|      x|      x|      x|       0.525| 0.459|  |       6.824051|       33.06515|       7.7728631|      0.117700|       |       -0.045236|      |       r-i vs i|
31 17 Hope Head
|546|   24.327972|      -8.4782313|     x|      x|      x|       |      0.574|  |       2.550747|       24.353968|      -8.4560732|     4.021765|       |       |       |       |
32 19 Hope Head
|550|   47.249817|      26.758405|      x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.356|  |       1.616282|       47.233206|      26.760495|      3.373363|       |       -0.05088496|    |       r-z vs z|
33 19 Hope Head
|561|   37.876865|      6.9703618|      x|      x|      x|       0.25|  0.220|  |       2.196152|       37.864986|      6.9822329|      3.799984|       |       -0.0245901|     |       g-r vs r|
34 22 Hope Head
|565|   24.401115|      -12.995634|     x|      x|      x|       0.225| 0.214|  |       10.89981|       24.391636|      -12.991343|     8.691523|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.00906|       |       g-i vs i|
35 19 Hope Head
|571|   144.58216|      52.048848|      x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.360|  |       6.281798|       144.58189|      52.051208|      4.756889|       |       -0.04779412|    |       r-i vs i|
36 17 Hope Head
|575|   119.54154|      52.598608|      x|      x|      x|       |      NULL|    |      0.8587500|      119.49648|       52.637483|     4.765658|       Cluster hard to see|    |       |       |
37 19 Hope Head
|582|   99.511102|      47.80934|       x|      x|      x|       0.20|  0.174|  |       1.887250|       99.51634|       47.798425|      8.826023|       |       -0.02214651|    |       g-r vs r|
38 19 Hope Head
|589|   132.74845|      48.491347|      x|      x|      x|       0.525| 0.513|  |       2.898616|       132.74427|      48.500785|      6.764439|       |       -0.00793126|    |       r-z vs z|
39 22 Hope Head
|62|    334.68658|      -26.722011|     x|      x|      x|       0.25|  0.280|  |       10.56257|       334.67032|      -26.710924|     0.243859|       |       0.02245389|     |       g-i vs i|
40 22 Hope Head
|628|   130.74851|      36.35277|       x|      x|      x|       0.225| 0.282|  |       0.7306696|      130.73993|      36.366617|      6.394656|       |       -0.03345389|    |       g-r vs r|
41 19 Hope Head
|631|   132.54291|      36.079697|      x|      x|      x|       0.40|  0.378|  |       2.453147|       132.53081|      36.07228|       6.122892|       Few pts in slr plot|    -0.01596517|    |       r-z vs z|
42 17 Hope Head
|646|   69.622739|      4.7317302|      x|      x|      x|       |      NULL|   |       0.8587500|      69.578259|      4.6335676|      12.607237|      Cluster hard to see|    |       |       |
43 19 Hope Head
|685|   183.08891|      27.554934|      x|      x|      x|       0.45|  0.353|  |       2.408305|       183.07701|      27.548766|      3.001809|       |       -0.07169254|    |       r-z  vs z|
44 22 Hope Head
|688|   73.520955|      -10.226279|     x|      x|      x|       0.275| 0.247|  |       2.024065|       73.528648|      -10.223453|     4.523303|       |       -0.02245389|       |       g-r vs r|
45 19 Hope Head
|694|   137.78469|      17.773666|      x|      x|      x|       0.575| 0.504|  |       3.121832|       137.79795|      17.774806|      3.025881|       |       -0.04720745|    |       r-i vs i|
46 1 Hope Head
|700|   19.545| -26.974496|     x|      x|      x|       0.275|  0.227|  |      2.261948|       19.546219|      -26.969889|     3.284604|       |       -0.0391198|     |       g-r vs r|
47 1 Hope Head
|702|   150.6297|       20.528271|      x|      x|      x|       0.25|  0.341|  |       8.250777|       150.61184|      20.517275|      0.510102|       |       0.06785981|     |       g-i vs i|
48 19 Hope Head
|707|   83.100032|      -11.5472|       x|      x|      x|       0.15|  0.154|  |       1.220029|       83.105547|      -11.550026|     9.700847|       |       0.0034662|      |       g-r vs r|
49 22 Hope Head
|717|   112.83843|      0.82214535|     x|      x|      x|       0.225| 0.250|  |       4.446362|       112.83493|      0.82315683|     5.392672|       |       0.02|   |       g-r vs r|
50 21 Hope Head
|757|   90.070696|      -20.104458|     x|      x|      x|       0.45|  0.460|  |       1.319435|       90.070179|      -20.115381|     3.610819|       |       0.00684932|     |       r-z vs z|
51 22 Hope Head
|763|   157.83784|      14.105266|      x|      x|      x|       0.35|  0.305|  |       12.20371|       157.83534|      14.092978|      0.117700|       |       -0.03448276|    |       r-i vs i|
52 21 Hope Head
|765|   177.40583|      22.393133|      x|      x|      x|       0.5|   0.545|  |       2.569028|       177.39872|      22.398606|      3.642501|       Few pts in slr plot|    0.02912621|     |       r-i vs i|
53 17 Hope Head
|773|   180.33789|      23.108626|      x|      x|      x|       0.275| 0.269|  |       1.505775|       180.31986|      23.10893|       3.468311|       |       -0.00472813|    |       g-r vs r|
54 19 Hope Head
|819|   126.66872|      -20.138384|     x|      x|      x|       0.15|  0.087|  |       4.318342|       126.69273|      -20.137299|     3.584421|       |       -0.05795768|    |       g-r vs r|
55 19 Hope Head
|89|    248.75914|      15.496239|      x|      x|      x|       0.55|  0.472|  |       3.408666|       248.77986|      15.484866|      5.671810|       |       -0.05298913|    |       r-z vs z|
56 19 Hope Head
|960|   172.98237|      -19.92833|      x|      x|      x|       0.425| 0.307|  |       1.698644|       172.97606|      -19.927972|     5.790064|       |       -0.09028309|    |       r-i vs i|
57 19 Hope Head
|979|   179.50911|      -10.798763|     x|      x|      Errors|  |      0.660|  |       9.414610|       179.55115|      -10.82677|      0.117700|       Cluster hard to see|    |       |       |
58 22 Hope Head
59 21 Hope Head
60 18 Hope Head
61 18 Hope Head
*Note: The z offset values are determined by (spec_z - photo_z)/(1+spec_z)
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